NBC Monday 10pm
debuts September 18, 10pm
Behind every great comedy, there's drama. Aaron Sorkin takes us behind the scenes of a fictional late-night sketch comedy series. Lately, "funny" has been in short supply at Studio 60. The executive producer just had a meltdown -- on live TV. The control room is out of control. The actors are acting up. And that's just last Friday's show! Studio 60's only hope lies with two wunderkind writers (Matthew Perry and Bradley Whitford) with troubles of their own, and the headstrong new network president (Amanda Peet) determined to turn things around. 
stars Matthew Perry, Bradley Whitford, Amanda Peet, Steven Weber, Sarah Paulson, D.L. Hughley, Nathan Corddry, Evan Handler, Timothy Busfield
producers Aaron Sorkin, Thomas Schlamme
studio Warner Bros. Television
my take
Ever since I heard rumblings of this and I saw Aaron, Matthew and Bradley attached, I knew this became my new show. The one I was waiting for. I was originally happier with it on Thursday (where it was when NBC released their first fall sked), but it should actually play well on Monday. That being said, there is a chance this could implode if it's too inside for folks that aren't on the coasts, but this being a country where anything behind-the-scenes is lapped up like a long-haired cat near a cold bowl of milk, combined with those three names? Winner. They'll get some push from "CSI: Miami," and even though I really like "What About Brian," that show won't be a factor in the slot. My pick for HOT drama of the year.
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